Saturday, 15 September 2012


Right, I have a bit of a situation. I sat down in front of my laptop to do a new blog post on Thursday evening,  typing whatever came into my head, quite like a stream of consciousness (any psychologist would actually have a field day analysing my brain), hoping that something amazing would come out. But nothing did.

I've now hit the point when I've ran out of things to discuss and I'm not really sure what to do about it. I'm sure I would if I got out of the house and did something spectacular - break a world record or climb a mountain, something like that. But sadly I don't really have the time, or motivation. Because I am a lazy git.

However, I would like to send a little message out there to say thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog and giving me feedback that I was not expecting at all - it's been really lovely to hear that people are actually enjoying reading the rubbish I have been coming out with. As some have read in my post 'Chatalie the Natabox' from a while back, I was absolutely terrified about blogging publicly because I was afraid of the response that I'd get (even found the guts to add a link to my blog on Facebook the other day - ahhhh). Fortunately, you have all been gems and made me feel a lot more confident about carrying on with this. So thank you very much!

Anyway to wrap it up, just to say thanks again and hope you continue to enjoy reading. I've really started to love writing on here. Initially I did see it as something to use to build up my writing portfolio from a professional point of view, but it's become really fun and hopefully it continues to be! Anything you think I should be writing about or you'd like to see me write about (sensible suggestions please...), just leave a comment at the bottom and I'll try and include it. 

Happy September! Have a good one.

Nats. X

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