I'm not sure what this blog post is actually going to be about yet, so I'm just going with the flow as I type. The last week has been a bit of a slow one. I'm currently sat in my room wearing old clothes, drinking coffee and being miserable because I am ill. This, according to general consensus, is what you do when you're ill. You mope. You slob around the house feeling sorry for yourself because you feel rubbish through no fault of your own (contrasted with, for instance, if you got drunk the night before). You can't face eating, you just want to sleep all day and all night until the horrible yucky feeling goes away and leaves you in peace. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to sleep so the yucky feeling is still here and probably intending to hang around for a bit longer. Not for too long though, I hope.
I got Netflix yesterday. I'm only using the free trial for a month thing, I have to cancel it on September 21st, which works out well as I'll be back working away at Uni after that. Because I have a little brother and I spend 97% of my time being with him while my parents are working, I have so far watched 3 kids films in the last 24 hours. These include, "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs", "Open Season 3" and "Hocus Pocus". Kids films are all well and good but I was on the brink - so when my little brother Luke went out this morning with my parents, I watched The Sixth Sense, primarily to remind myself that while I feel awful with the flu, my life could be a lot worse.

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