If you've just completed your degree – congratulations! Not
everybody that started managed to finish, so count yourself as part of the
special club that did.
There are few sensations in life that I can compare to
typing the last word of my dissertation or completing my final exam. As
peculiar as it sounds, they are challenges I would be more than willing to
undertake again purely for the unique feeling that washes over you as you
compose that final sentence.

I recall whinging at the prospect of waking up each morning
and trudging to the library rain or shine to endure an eight-or-nine hour day
staring into my laptop screen, and hoping in one way or another it would prove
beneficial in my quest to seem smart. Two months on and I actually miss it –
strange, don’t you think?
This entire academic year in actual fact undertook an
odd countdown-like structure as a result of an underlying yet constant fear of
finishing University and wondering what in the hell would come afterwards. Back
at home that fear has worsened, amplified by friends' parents and parents' friends
who ask the infamous question of "what are you going to do now?"
It is nearly always the same questions which are asked, with nearly always the
same answers which are given as a reply - a conversation I almost have rehearsed. Its de ja vu nature is often enough to make
you want to shoot yourself in the face, and the response of "I'm not sure just yet" is also guaranteed to raise a few eyebrows.
It's a scary old place to be, and right now I feel like I'm in the thick of it. But there is light at the end of the tunnel, and I know I'll find my feet one way or another.
I'll continue to live the façade with my student discount in Topshop, but University life is finished, and like a tragic break-up we've somehow got to get over it.
Tissue, anyone?
Tissue, anyone?
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