Once upon a time in a land far, far away lived an assortment of famous fairytale characters each battling with a bout of almighty dilemmas. Fortunately help is at hand with the swish of her wand and some mighty sound advice from the one and only Fairy Godmother and her fairytale problem page.
Living in Patriarchal Hell
Fairy Godmother, please,
do help if you will,
Seven men and myself in
our house on the hill.
I work hard all day to
make our home glitter,
But lack of assistance has
turned me so bitter.
The misogynist nitwits,
they never give thanks.
They never say “cheers”
when I scrub clean their pants.
I trek down to Tesco and
stock up on tissues
On behalf of the one who
has sneezing issues.
I’m always exhausted and
feeling so rough,
How can I tell them I’ve
had quite enough?
Snow White
For goodness sake, girl, you need to be stronger,
This homemaker’s hell can go on for no longer.
I’d get yourself out if they can’t lift a finger,
The plates won’t stay clean and the dust will then linger.
These men will soon realise how much they did slack,
And pleading and begging they’ll want you straight back.
Down in the Mouth
Help Fairy Godmother, I
feel so distressed,
My ugly appearance just
leaves me depressed.
I must be adopted, my
brothers they tease,
They mock me and tell me I
must be diseased.
Their feathers so golden,
their bodies much smaller,
Adorned in dark grey, I’m
an inch or so taller.
I yearn for self-worth but
without friends to care,
I remain so despondent,
knee deep in despair.
‘The inside counts more
than the out’, people say,
But how can I stop myself
feeling this way?
The Ugly Duckling
Those brothers of yours seem unwise and vindictive,
And duck ‘nip and tuck’ I am told is restrictive.
You’re right when you say that the inside’s worth more,
So hold your head high like a swan, I implore.
Don’t duck that head down with such low self-esteem
For your future is bright if you follow upstream.
Breathing’s a bother
Fairy Godmother, please do
ease my health fears,
I have been a chain smoker
for about thirty years.
My coughing just worsens,
I can’t catch my breath.
My lungs, they are
throbbing and I’m feeling like death.
I huff and I puff and
while gasping and wheezing,
My pains never show any
instance of easing.
Perhaps it is cancer,
perhaps I will die
Regardless I fear that my
chances aren’t high
How can I keep myself
feeling alive?
And what must I do to
ensure I survive?
The Big Bad Wolf
It sounds as though asthma is causing your pain,
Though thirty years smoking is no doubt to blame.
Nicotine patches will aid you in quitting,
The use of inhalers will keep you committing.
Make an appointment to visit the nurse,
Before it’s too late and your symptoms get worse.
lovely blog i love your writing style!! xx